CRA Public File
In accordance with the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), First Federal Savings Bank makes available all information in its public file. Upon request, First Federal Savings Bank shall provide copies, either on paper or in another form acceptable to the person making the request. Should you have any questions regarding our CRA program or any information contained below, please contact:
CRA Officer: Mary Figgins
First Federal Savings Bank
PO Box 1111
Evansville, IN 47706
As required by the Community Reinvestment Act, the information below is current as of April 1 of each year.
- Comments: All written comments received from the public for the current year and each of the prior two calendar years that specifically relate to the bank’s performance in helping to meet community credit needs, and any response to the comments by the bank
- Performance Evaluation: A copy of the public section of the bank’s most recent CRA Performance Evaluation prepared by the FDIC
- Banking Centers: A list of bank branches, their street addresses, and geographies as well as hours of operation
- Banking Centers Opened/Closed: A list of branches the bank has opened or closed in the current year and each of the prior two calendar years
- Products & Services: A list of products and services generally offered at the bank’s branches
- Fee Schedule: List of our common fees
- Assessment Area: A map of each assessment area showing the boundaries of the area and identifying the geographies contained within the area
- Loan to Deposit Ratio: The loan to deposit ratio for each quarter of the prior calendar year
- HMDA Disclosure Statement: Copies of the bank’s HMDA disclosure statements for each of the prior two calendar years
Banking on Community
Enhance your community outreach initiatives by requesting volunteers from our dedicated bank staff. Fill out our volunteer request form to access a committed team eager to support your events and projects.
Volunteer Request Form
Empowering Communities
First Federal Savings Bank takes great pride in giving back to our community. Whether it’s offering sponsorships, charitable donations, and/or volunteering our time, we are interested in helping! In the past, we have supported local non-profit organizations, academia, youth development programs, and community development programs. It is unlikely that we would consider contributing to government organizations, political campaigns, travel sports teams, or scholarship programs.
Complete our sponsorship form to partner with us and fuel positive change in your community.